Oh, and I understand from my vast readership (hi mom!) there might be a few other readers occasionally added on along the way, which is lovely. Welcome aboard! I can't attest to the fascination level of reading about my daily exploits, but I'll sure try to entertain.
Let's start with a list!
Best uses of benches along the Charles on a mid November day (as seen from the water):
- To do your tricep pushups off the edge of
- To sit facing your sweetheart, look deep into each others' eyes, enjoy an autumn kiss
- To put your foot on so you can roll up your pantleg - hey, it's warm out, and you're running
- To perch on the edge and do sort of frenzied v-sit crunches on (note: they'd be WAY more effective if you slowed down)
- To just sit, watch the rowers row by ... enjoy the beautiful fall day
Last night was another rousing game of Scattergories with friends, much fun. If anyone has inside scoops on a species of crocodiles classified as Nile crocodiles, has owned a "miniature Mighty Mouse" or can provide photographic evidence of a trapeze in a park ... you gotta let me know!
Mileage update! For those of you waiting for the day's numbers, I'm up to 258 miles on my own, and with a few friends' help, can tack on another 26 (totaling 284, if my math skills don't desert me). We're inching along! The temps are mostly holding, getting a little cooler, we're probably nearing the end of our 50s days. 40s are still doable, high 30s, OK, low 30s ... uh ... 20s? Uh-uh.
What's that? You want to hear about the gatos? Well, the gatos are ... sure sleeping a lot. Shocking, I know. They're passed out on either side of me, the famous gato bookend. They are having food troubles. It's troubling to all. Willa's getting a wee bit up there in years (9!) and is at that kitty stage where ... the technical term is she barfs a lot. I think I've mentioned this before? It's fun. Her favorite spot is my bed. Because all the wood and tile floors everywhere else are just too easy to clean up. So, after she got a clean bill of health from the vet, we're seeking a food that doesn't trigger the barfing. Apparently, though, when you switch to special foods known as "bland diet" they don't taste so great. Who would've guessed? So we now have THREE bags of bland diet food in the house to try and get her to eat. Four-year-old Sucio, quaking giant marshmellow of a cat, must suffer along. And - wow - in that very sentence, Willa oh-so lazily reached out her paw, tapped my water bottle, and over it went. Sucio ran in terror. Willa interestedly supervised the cleanup action (cool! look what I did!).
So, the other high jinks I got up to this weekend involved ... a photo shoot. Yes, I can hear you all gasping and laughing. I'd join you, but I had to do a PHOTO SHOOT.
I'm saving tofurkeyday planning excitement (read: nutloaf) for tomorrow, I believe. Oh yes, and I'll introduce you to Drum. He's not really a drum, yet he's Drum. Stay tuned.
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