Apart from hangin' with the badass gatos, today was another in the string of perfecto rowing weather -- no wind, flat water, 50s (down to tank top! bare arms!). Every rower I saw/passed had to exchange head shakes and sighs of "awesome" and "amazing." Tomorrow looks to be a little wind and rain, though still in the 50s, and Saturday some wind and dry, but cooler. We all know this has rowing implications! Tomorrow might just be a day off; I've already got an actionpacked day of chiropracting and haircutting, so I'm not sure how much more I can take. I might have to be brave Saturday. Mileage is at 244 and counting. I have a potential high-mileage body willing to put miles on, so cross your everything that comes through.
Beyond that, it was, well, kind of a lot of time on this cover letter. I haven't done one in some months, so even though I have many good phrases and my own brainpower to pull from ... it's a little rusty yet. It's also a very literal live audition for a writer or editor. If there's one typo or grammar error (not that there should ever be such things allowed), forget it -- I sure wouldn't bother with the person! And for a writer -- well, it's a little truthtelling within the sales package of everything you claim to be offering, right? My analogy is it's like a surgeon whose first contact consists of having to reach out and slit something open to show off her surgical skill. Or an opera singer, cold calling and immediately breaking into his finest high-pitch note. A little nerwracking, a little *boom!* right there! audition! sink it or it's the reject pile! So, no extra pressure or anything, it just makes a girl finetooth-comb her written materials to see if she's in fact DOING everything she SAYS she can and will do for the organization....
Uh-oh, acupuncture time is suddenly here, and if there's one person you don't want to piss off, it's the person waiting to put needles into you....
This comment is for my mother. Test, test, testing to see if comments can in fact be posted....