It's a grey Wednesday. I'm currently engaged in perhaps the greyest chore imaginable -- sitting on hold -- 31 minutes and counting -- with the CA tax board. Bleakly grey, not even pretty or shiny grey.
And, in a sign of my ever-growing popularity with the CA tax board, they've decided I should've filed 2007 taxes with them, too. Wrong! I'll bet you a basket of bunnies w/ no birth control the 2008 notice is just around the corner. I try not to hate, I do. I'm just not always successful.
What else can I tell you? Today was trash day, you're right, a pretty exciting day around here, but it was pretty tame. Neighbors actually took the cans out, so musta been their annual turn. Squirrels have been more mellow, but they're still around, so who knows if the poor Squished Squirrel was really Trash Squirrel....
Met w the grantwriter -- she took ME to lunch, how sweet & awesome was that?? Had this simply amazing sweet potato/jack/red onion/avocado/poppy-yogurt-something sandwich on delectable Hi-Rise bread. Was great to meet with her, left me with a sense that there's plenty of work out there, but I have an awful lot to learn. And, a limited bank account, thus time, in which to learn it. Hm. But, she gave me some great resources and reinforced my v high-tech sketch of a business plan: meet the people. Keep meeting the people. Find the clients amongst them.
OK. I am duty bound to tell you that amidst the grey and the greyest of tasks, there can still be hope. Dang. After a ... only 37-min wait, I talked to a human at the CA tax board and ... I'm afraid to say this out loud, but it seems like we clarified what was a misunderstanding ... that happened to look like tax evasion. My mom's Cal PO box ... my Mass address ... a jointly owned Cal property that I own a sliver of ... my own mortgage for my Mass place ... y'know, tax evasion! The scarily potentially easily achieved deal is that ... I just have to fax my Mass tax returns to Cal for those two years. Huh. Not exciting to anyone but me, but it means I actually get to KEEP the first good chunk of money I EARNED freelancing so I gotta say, it's a happy day, y'all. That, and I'm making website progress! Aiming to get at least a skeleton up next week. Gulp! I'll post a link. Then you hafta visit it. And say nice things. You hafta. OK, I gots some papers to fax!!
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