Yesterday, beach sitting. Been a long while since I did that. Given my skin's pale leanings, being out in the sun is something I'm generally wary of, and when the heat is on, it's generally not an option. But I was thinking "oh, nice warm, springy day" yesterday. It was a little more than that. But with sunscreen, I made it through. And I have a nice little red flare in the middle of my back to remind me of the power of sunscreen. As if I need reminding. And yet, clearly I do.
Each year, I generally get burned once early on in the season -- it's kinda like all those other life lessons: knowing something intellectually is different than knowing it experientially. And every year, post-sunburn, I shake my head at myself, wonder what I was thinking, wonder at the disconnect between mind and action. I'm pleased the toll was pretty small this year.
This morning, I look at the things I usually look right through/past in my little red mud-room entry. I guess it's time. I move the shovel, the ice melt, and then my skis by the back door in the kitchen, awaiting my next basement trip to storage.
Saw more decked-out trees today -- white-blossomed ones looking for all the world downright bridal, cliche tho the image admittedly is....
Tomorrow ... tomorrow, guys, is the start of my club's coached sculling sessions! And so spring is truly, fully upon us -- warm days, blooming trees, the Red Sox opener and coached rowing sessions beginning! That also means, yep, gear up for lots more rowing talk...! I've persuaded two friends to go out in the "late session" this week (that's 6:45 v 5:30 start) so I can ease back to a true rower's schedule. There's also the darkness factor -- there are a lot of bridges and other boats and things to smack into half-asleep in what feels like the middle of the night. We'll be in doubles, but yes, it's definitely time to throw off Pepper's purple covers and take her out for a spin ... there'll undoubtedly be a few little shrieks as I acclimate to a single's tippiness ... maybe Wednesday ... 'sposed to be low 80s! Back to 50s next week, fear not, but this week is glorious summer preview -- 70s and 80s.
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